AFC Corsham Tournament 2006



GAME 1  -  Frys  V  Melksham Town Youth Robins (Pitch 11)

Frys  1  V  3  Melksham

Starting – Ashley(GK) George Harry Callum Vicky -  Subs Charlie Oliver

Formation  1-2-1


Goals - Callum x1




GAME 2  -  Frys  V  Eveswell “Y”(Pitch 11)

Frys  0  V  0  Eveswell

Starting – Charlie(GK) Ashley George Callum Oliver -  Subs Vicky Harry

Formation  1-2-1





GAME 3  -  Frys  V  Marshfield JuniorsPitch 11)

Frys  2  V  1 Marshfield

Starting – George (GK) Ashley Charlie Vicky Oliver -  Subs Callum Harry

Formation  1-3


Goals - Charlie x2




Managers overall view


Today was all about trying out new ideas and was more of a gelling / team bonding / fitness exercise as the AFC Corsham tournament for U7’s & U8’s is non competitive. Results don’t count and every player receives a medal for taking part with the only thing to play for being a sportsmanship shield for the wining team to keep for 1 year. We’d entered purely for a good work out and that’s what we got!


We tried some new ideas and got some interesting results, it also gave us another chance to have a look at our newest recruit Callum as he had joined us only a couple of weeks ago. He had been impressive on his first outing last week showing great effort & attitude and scoring a goal to boot. Today he mirrored his performance and gained the STAR MAN award for his efforts. Keep it up Callum, Well done!


We also gave Harry another chance out on the pitch while at the same time giving Ashley, Charlie & George another chance between the sticks. With the rest mainly also playing in irregular positions it made for an interesting but fun day, it was a little short due to 1 team not showing but come the end it was nice not to feel the pressure of trying to win it, it was great work out and a further step forward in team bonding. Well done all.